Hollenbeck Palms

The best plants for your garden in spring

Spring gardening presents both challenges and delights.

Battling unpredictable weather and pesky pests tests your patience, but the joy of witnessing new growth and colorful blooms makes it all worthwhile.

And for those enjoying their retirement years, tending to a garden can bring a sense of fulfillment and a genuine connection to nature’s rhythms. From the first seedlings emerging from the soil to the vibrant array of flowers and other life adorning your garden, each moment in the spring garden is a whisper of nature’s ongoing beauty and the simple pleasures of life.

These essential gardening practices for the months of March and April cover important ground. Crafted with accessibility and practicality in mind, the following insights will help cultivate a flourishing garden that blooms with all the richness of springtime delights.

Read on to start your journey to the vibrant colors, enchanting scents and delectable tastes of the season ahead.


March heralds the beginning of planting season, as mild and temperate weather is prevailing. Gardeners can confidently start planting hardy crops without much concern of the cold during this time.

Unlike areas with heavier clay soil, soil in Los Angeles is typically well-drained, reducing the need to cover it with plastic.

While summer bloomers are yet to reach their peak, now is the time to enrich your garden with blooming bulbs like anemones, ranunculus and snapdragons, alongside classic favorites like pansies.

Perennials and annuals

By the end of March, you can anticipate the arrival of many favorites, like geraniums, fuchsias and other hanging basket plants ready to grace your garden. Candytuft, rock cress and creeping phlox are also in bloom, offering fresh additions to your outdoor space.

Now’s a great time to nourish your perennial beds with old plant food, ensuring robust growth in the coming months. Additionally, prepare for the upcoming bulb season by stocking up on favorites like begonias, lilies and dahlias, allowing you to cultivate your own summer bloomers, perhaps at a better price.

It’s the start of tree and shrub planting season.

As plants begin to flush out new growth, consider starting fertilization for recent and established plantings. It’s also important to prune roses and control pine size by trimming new growth. Overgrown hedges can be sheared now, too.

Prune early flowering shrubs after their blooms fade. Keep an eye out for signs of infection on new growth, addressing emerging issues promptly with in-season pesticides for effective control. Early intervention is key to maintaining plant health and vitality.

March and April offers opportunities to plant various greens and cold crops like broccoli and cauliflower.

Root crops such as onions, potatoes, radishes, garlic and shallots can also be planted now. Watch that the soil is rich in organic matter and free from rocks.

While peas can be started in March for cooler temperatures, it’s not yet time to plant “fruiting” vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, or squash, including basil. If starting seeds indoors, aim for March to April. While grow lights can aid growth, a bright south or west window may suffice. Be mindful of unseasonably cold weather, potentially delaying outdoor planting and causing plants to become leggy.

The necessary lawn care

April calls for lawn maintenance to ensure a lush, healthy yard. With grass growth picking up pace, address patchy areas by dethatching to eliminate built-up thatch. Thickening a patchy lawn is best achieved by adding seed or laying sod, both requiring loosened soil mixed with compost for optimal growth. Keep foot traffic minimal on newly seeded areas for successful establishment and safety.


Lifestyle & Amenities at Hollenbeck Palms

Residents of Hollenbeck Palms have the opportunity to engage in various clubs and activities, many of which have been initiated by fellow residents.

Among these offerings is a Gardening Club, allowing residents to cultivate the beautiful grounds while enjoying the outdoors. Gardening not only fosters a connection with nature but also promotes stress relief and serves as a form of low-impact exercise.

For more information about our community, email [email protected] or call 323.307.4505.